Instrumental body of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation


People, roles and skills.

Home / Ufficio Pio / Organisation

Ufficio Pio is staffed by a varied range of professionals and volunteers, who are committed to pursuing our mission on a daily basis.


Skilled staff and selected, trained volunteers.


We have a total of 31 internal personnel: four of these take care of running the structure, dealing with communication and organising voluntary activity. Our institutional activity is organised into three mission areas, under which the institutional programme teams operate. Each team comprises a range of professionals, such as social workers, educators, counsellors and other specialists.


Our volunteers make a vital contribution to implementing the initiatives aimed at Ufficio Pio’s beneficiaries. About 100 volunteers currently work free of charge, in a spirit of solidarity, with the various programme teams. They make a major contribution to providing hands-on support for people, facilitating relationships between beneficiaries, the organisation itself and the local area’s service providers, and offering guidance on how to access the programmes. To find out how to join our family of volunteers, visit the dedicated section.

In-depth documents

Volunteers’ Charter - General Principles

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Volunteers’ Charter - Ethical Code

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