Strategic guidelines
The strategic guidelines that direct the focus of our action.
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Likes its strategic guidelines, Ufficio Pio helps achieve the goals set by FCSP within the framework of its People Goal for the four-year period 2020-2024.
To help build a society that adheres to a path of fair and sustainable development.
We want a sustainable society, which fights poverty and reduces inequality, because it sees these two goals as a means of improving the lives of everyone.
We align our projects with the principles of sustainable development, starting from data.
We translate the goals of Agenda 2030 into practical action.
We benchmark the results of our projects against sustainability reporting standards.
We build partnerships to achieve solid, lasting change.
We take part in the public debate on sustainability and equity.
To foster resilient behaviour through capacity-building and by nurturing interests and new skills.
Resilience, meaning the ability to react positively to adversity in life, is a virtue that can be strengthened, by fostering enthusiasm, passion, self-esteem, consistency, curiosity and reciprocity.
We deliver projects that encourage the adoption of resilient behaviours and the development of the necessary soft skills to change people’s approach to problems for the better.
We work with public institutions and private bodies to implement community resilience projects, as a response to pandemic-induced stress.
We implement a varied mix of policies that draw upon culture, art, sport and the protection of the environment and animals, to develop people’s passion and curiosity for new experiences.
To help people fully exercise their rights as citizens and their right to pursue happiness.
We combat social injustice and inequality so that people are not pigeon-holed on the basis of their difficulties, but are instead encouraged to play an active role in society.
We help break down the cultural and linguistic barriers that prevent people from participating in political, economic and social life.
We deliver projects designed to reduce the digital divide that denies internet access to families with less disposable income.
We implement asset-building initiatives, to combat poverty by helping people know their rights.
We work with public institutions and private bodies to reduce all forms of discrimination, as a pre-condition for climbing out of hardship.
To foster relationships geared towards neighbourly support and peer-to-peer exchange, which bring wealth to communities on multiple levels.
We harness the value of participation and volunteering, to respond to a social fabric that is nudging people more and more towards solitude and isolation.
We invest in the recruitment and training of volunteers and encourage the participation of people of different ethnic backgrounds.
We work with other volunteer associations, so as to capitalise on the specialist skills that each brings to the table, in support of the projects to be implemented.
We deliver projects designed to counter and prevent relational poverty, by assigning a central role to volunteering.
To promote research and the adoption of innovative solutions, by taking an experimental approach.
We take an experimental approach, which involves measuring the positive impact of our interventions and proposing real social innovation.
We design innovative pilot projects, evaluate their impact and identify the causal mechanisms that made them effective.
Our decisions to adopt specific design methods are based on clear rationales, underpinned by theories of change.
We place a strong emphasis on collecting and storing data, so that it becomes an asset for the purposes of research and innovation.
We adopt an institutional communication plan to disseminate the results of our evaluations.
In-depth documents

Multi-year Plan 2021-2023